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The Guide to Abdominoplasty

In some cases, slimming treatments, diet and physical exercises are not enough to get a flat stomach. Faced with this problem, you may start searching for the best solution – which can be to have a abdominoplasty surgery. Abdominoplasty refers to a type of cosmetic surgery that mainly focuses on the stomach. This surgical procedure aims to correct the bulges and skin alterations located on this part of the body. In general, abdominoplasty is reserved for healthy people wishing to reshape their figure. Today, this procedure is performed in many countries.

When Should You Have Abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty, also known as tummy tuck, is a type of cosmetic surgery. Women who wish to have a flatter or smoother stomach can have an abdominoplasty.

This tummy tuck is not only requested for aesthetic reasons. Due to certain pathologie of a person, the doctor may suggest this surgical procedure, as well. Abdominoplasty is recommended in the following cases:

  • Presence of umbilical hernia
  • Sagging skin due to aging, weight changes or multiple pregnancies
  • Presence of an important abdominal apron that can partially or totally cover the pubic area.

It is important to note that a tummy tuck does not help you lose weight. It only remodels the silhouette. Thus, this surgical procedure can only be a complement to a slimming diet and is not suitable for the individuals suffering from obesity. For some women, abdominoplasty may be necessary if diet and exercise do not help reduce abdominal fat after childbirth. However, this type of surgery is not suitable for women who are planning to get pregnant.

Abdominoplasty Procedure

The purpose of abdominoplasty is to remove excess fat and skin from the belly in order to tighten the entire abdominal wall. Turning out to be quite a heavy surgery, the tummy tuck is performed under general anesthesia.

To perform the operation, the surgeon begins with liposuction of the entire abdomen and flanks. This fat overload suction flattens the entire stomach and waist area. The practitioner then detaches the skin and fatty tissue to the lower part of the sternum. The goal of this detachment is to stretch the skin downwards and flatten the entire belly.

Depending on the condition of the person, there are two types of abdominoplasty:

  • Partial Abdominoplasty : This procedure is often performed on individuals whose abdomen has a mass of fat located above the navel. During this operation, it is not necessary to move the navel. In this case, it is called a simple tummy tuck. Depending on the case, this intervention lasts only 2 hours.
  • Complete Abdominoplasty : During this procedure, the surgeon makes an incision in the abdomen, from the sacrum to the hip and then in the skin. In some cases, it can reach tissues and muscles. This complete abdominoplasty requires the displacement of the navel. This is the extended tummy tuck. For a few days, a drainage system under the skin will be essential.

Tummy Tuck in Turkey

Now, the tummy tuck has become a common cosmetic surgery performed all over the world. Turkey is one of the best-known countries for cosmetic surgery. Namely, it has many highly qualified surgeons who have the right equipment for the success of operations. Thus, patients can benefit from comprehensive care after the procedure. Most of the beauty treatment centers in Turkey are also approved by the international committee.

Another reason to have a tummy tuck in Turkey is the price. Indeed, compared to other places like Europe, the price of this cosmetic surgery is still very competitive there. Note that the average cost of a tummy tuck in Turkey is around 8000 USD. However, this price may vary depending on the type of operation and the complexity of the cases.

Tummy tucks are only for healthy men and women. The best candidate for this practice is the one that comes closest to ideal body weight. Since this cosmetic surgery results in a beautiful figure, many celebrities have had tummy tucks.

Here are some Hollywood stars that have gone under knife for abdominoplasty:

  • Angelina Jolie: This famous actress has not revealed any plastic surgery operations. However, after giving birth to twins, a remarkable change was seen in her body. Indeed, her figure has refined more quickly.
  • Kate Gosselin: After giving birth to 8 children, she underwent a tummy tuck to get rid of her excess skin and belly fat.
  • Mariah Carey: To remove stubborn fat from parts of her body after giving birth to twins, Mariah carey had a tummy tuck.
  • Sarah Fraisou: French reality TV star, she has already undergone many cosmetic surgeries including an abdominoplasty.
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