No Script Liposuction In Turkey - Treatments | Esthetique Istanbul

Liposuction In Turkey

What is liposuction ?

Liposuction, also known as liposculpture or simplylipo, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that involves removal of excess fat inorder to refine the body outline. Liposuction is also the most efficient optionfor removing fat deposits located around a specific part of the body that donot disappear with a conventional diet.

Liposuction provides sharper and more harmonious body lines. It must be kept in mind, however, that liposuction is not a treatment of obesity. In fact, the amount of fat removed during liposuction procedure is measured in volume, not in weight – the main purpose of liposuction is to achieve perfection in body form rather than to lose weight. In women, liposuction is applied to the following areas: abdomen, flanks, breasts, hips, outer thighs, anterior thighs, inner thighs, knees, arms, buttocks, cheeks, neck, etc.

Abdominal liposuction is a cosmetic surgical methodthat is intended to eliminate excess fat cells located in the abdomen. As it isvery effective and simple to perform, abdominal liposuction is applied veryfrequently.

How is liposuction performed ?

Liposuction usually requires one or two consultationswith the surgeon prior to the procedure in order to properly understand thepatient’s expectations. The procedure typically takes between 20 minutes to 2hours and it often does not require hospitalization. In certain cases, however,one night of hospital stay might be necessary if a considerable amount of fatis removed.

The type of anesthesia applied during liposuctiondepends on the size and the number of areas that are treated – it can be eithergeneral or local. The surgeon proceeds with the operation using very thincannulas which are used for refining the body outline. Thanks to new surgicaltechniques, post-operational scarring of skin tissue is avoided.

What are the types of liposuction ?

The types of liposuction are quite varied today as thetechniques have advanced considerably since the procedure first appeared. EsthetiqueIstanbul offers you the best liposuction in Turkey with the latest liposuctiontechniques.

  • Tumescent liposuction is a technique that uses a liquid which detaches fat cells from the skin and the muscles. The surgeon then inserts a thin cannula that aspires the fat and the liquid. This is an outpatient procedure.
  • Vaser liposuction is an alternative technique aided by ultrasonic waves that remove the subdermal fat deposits in order to refine the shape of a specific area. This procedure offers different types of applications such as Vaser liposelection, ultrasonic liposuction and Vaser hi-def liposuction.
  • Laser liposuction loosens fat cells by liquefying them. It is especially practiced for smaller operations (face, skin, etc.). Smart Lipo is the pioneer in laser liposuction and offers several advantages of high quality laser lipolysis.
  • Laser lipolysis involves heating of fat cells using the radiation from a laser fiber placed under the skin, directly in contact with the adipose tissue. It only allows treatment of small and very localized areas.
  • Liposuction or liposculpture, often used as synonyms, is a more advanced version of liposuction. It is a harmonious and non-traumatic aspiration of overgrown fat cells.

Pre-Operation: What to Do Before Liposuction

Liposuction in Turkey usually requires one or twoconsultations with the surgeon prior to the procedure in order to understandthe patient’s expectations well. Then, a clinical examination is performed inorder to assess the quality of the skin, to determine the treatment zones, andto prevent the contraindications of the procedure. Intake of aspirin is notallowed for a few days before the procedure in order to avoid the risk ofbleeding. The consultation with the anesthesiologist must be carried out atleast 48 hours before the operation.

Post-Operation: What to Do After Liposuction?

The procedure requires a hospital stay of one or a fewdays, depending on the scale of the liposuction operation in Turkey. It ispossible to feel mild pain as well as fatigue after the operation, which can beeasily mitigated by conventional painkillers. As the incisions are very small, scarringis generally minimized. The recovery time is proportional to the amount of fattytissue removed. A medical leave of 3 to 10 days is advised. The resumption ofintense activities and/or sports is possible 1 month after the operation. The resultsbecome noticeable in 3 weeks. The final result is achieved after 6 months.

How Much Does Liposuction in Turkey Cost?

Why get liposuction in Turkey? The reason is quite clear– liposuction in Turkey not only offers the perfect results, but also the mostreasonable and advantageous prices when compared to liposuction in the UK.

What are the advantages of having Liposuction in Turkey?

A team of top specialists in their fields and greathospitals validated and authorized by prestigious international institutionsare at your disposal in Turkey – you won’t find such an efficient treatmentelsewhere! Moreover, the cost of liposuction in Turkey can be determined uponthe first consultation with the surgeon – which depends on the amount of fatremoved, the number of treatment zones, the place of hospitalization, and anyadditional services recommended by the clinic. You can be sure that these arethe best prices that you will find for a liposuction operation!

Compare: Liposuction in the UK & Liposuction in Turkey

Surely, the price of liposuction in Turkey is a lotmore reasonable and cheaper than the price of liposuction in the UK. Moreover,all our specialists in Turkey are graduates of the most prestigious educationalinstitutions in the world and Turkey. This is why Turkey is a betterdestination compared to the UK.

Compare: The Cost of Liposuction in the UK & Liposuction in Turkey

The cost of liposuction in Turkey is even morereasonable and convenient when compared to liposuction in the UK. Furthermore,Turkey guarantees successful treatment whereas a successful liposuctiontreatment in the UK is not always guaranteed! Application of latesttechnologies and a well-trained team are crucial to achieving perfect results inthis field.

Am I the Right Candidate for Liposuction in Turkey?

Liposuction in Turkey is usually intended for patients who have excess fat and are unable to lose weight or do sports activities in order to refine and sharpen their body outlines. In fact, obesity is a contraindication for this surgical procedure and it does not replace weight loss diets. Undergoing cosmetic surgery such as liposuction in order to achieve a more refined body outline is mostly preferred by women, but its popularity is also rising among men. The patients who will undergo this surgery must be in a good health state. The presence of hypertension or diabetes impedes the treatment of liposuction.

What Are the Benefits of Having Liposuction in Turkey by Esthetique Istanbul?

Esthetique Istanbul stands out from other aesthetic clinics thanks to its rich and proud history. It has 25 successful years of experience that has made many patients happy until today. Esthetique Istanbul is still on the right track as it only works with the best medical specialists and the best hospitals that are globally known for complete patient satisfaction.

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