No Script Vaginoplasty (Labiaplasty) In Turkey - Treatments | Esthetique Istanbul

Vaginoplasty (Labiaplasty) In Turkey

What is vaginoplasty ?

Vaginoplasty, also known as Labiaplasty, Vaginal Rejuvenation, Vaginal Reconstruction Surgery, Genital Aesthetics, Vaginal Tightening, or Perineoplasty is a cosmetic surgery which aims to correct the defects and deformities of vaginal canal and its mucous membranes. Vaginoplasty is therefore a rejuvenation technique.

Some women consider increasing the vaginal sensitivity if it has been practically lost or diminished due to childbirth, a congenital disease, the menopause, or some other specific cases. After having a vaginoplasty, the patient can attain a more satisfying sexual life

How is vaginoplasty performed?

Vaginoplasty, also known as Labiaplasty, Vaginal Rejuvenation, Vaginal Reconstruction Surgery, Genital Aesthetics, Vaginal Tightening, or Perineoplasty is often performed under general anesthesia and it takes about an hour. It can be performed on an outpatient basis or may require one night of hospitalization. Vaginoplasty operation involves several stages depending on the patient’s goals such as tightening the muscles of the perineum or the entrance of the vagina, rejuvenating the vagina etc.

Normally, post-operational scars are not visible to eye and the swelling of vulva disappears in a very short while.

What are the types of vaginoplasty ?

Vaginoplasty, which allows tightening of the perineum or preventing vaginal trauma that might be caused by the first childbirth can be performed by means of several techniques. Esthétique Istanbul offers you the best vaginoplasty experience in Turkey with the latest vaginoplasty techniques.

Vaginoplasty – Tightening of the vagina

 Because of getting older or frequent pregnancies, perineal muscles might loosen. This situation might create problems in the daily life or during sexual activity for women. Vaginoplasty tightens the muscles of perineum and helps prevent some complications such as pelvic organ descent.

Labiaplasty – Reshaping of the labia

Labiaplasty refers to a surgical operation that consists of reducing the size of the inner and outer labia. This operation can be performed for cosmetic reasons as well as a discomfort caused by very large labia.

Vulvaplasty – Reshaping of the vulva

Vulvaplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to give a more esthetic look to outer labia. It corrects the defects on genital parts.

Pre-operation: What to do before vaginoplasty?

Firstly, a preoperative consultation with the anesthetist surgeon must be scheduled 48 hours before the operation at the latest. It is also recommended for the patients to:

  • stop smoking for a month before the vaginoplasty operation
  • do not take aspirin for 10 days prior to the vaginoplasty operation
  • in some cases, wear support stockings on the day of the vaginoplasty operation
  • do not eat or drink anything for 6 hours prior to the operation

Post-operation : What to do after vaginoplasty?

After having a vaginoplasty in Turkey, the patient might feel some light pain which can be alleviated by standart analgesics. The surgeon provides some instructions to the patient regarding vaginal hygiene after the vaginoplasty. The patient is not permitted to have sexual activity for about 6 weeks after the operation. She can continue her daily life or start work 1 week after the vaginoplasty. Physical effort is strictly discouraged for one month after the operation.

How much does labiaplasty in Turkey cost?

Turkey can be preferred for having a vaginoplasty mainly for two reasons: First, this operation costs a lot cheaper in Turkey when compared to vaginoplasty in the UK, and moreover, the results are more satisfying after a vaginoplasty operation in Turkey when compared to the results of a vaginoplasty operation in other countries. You can always benefit from the best prices in Turkey for the best vaginoplasty experience in the world!

What are the advantages of having vaginoplasty in Turkey?

Esthétique Istanbul offers you the possibility of having a vaginoplasty with specialist surgeons that have been educated in the most renowned medical schools in the world and in Turkey. Furthermore, these doctors have all the means within our hospitals which are authorized by the most prestigious institutions of the medical world. The cost of vaginoplasty is calculated upon a personal consultation with the doctor.

Compare: Labiaplasty in Turkey & Labiaplasty in the UK

First and foremost, the cost of a vaginoplasty in the UK is a lot more expensive than the cost of a vaginoplasty in Turkey, where you will be offered a personalized rate. Furthermore, vaginoplasty in Turkey is an operation that is frequently preferred by patients from many different countries thanks to Turkey’s reputation in medical field. Turkey is now one of the UK’s major competitors in vaginoplasty operations.

Compare: Labiaplasty prices in Turkey & Labiaplasty prices in the UK

Labiaplasty costs in Turkey are a lot more cheaper than the labiaplasty costs in the UK. Moreover, Turkey guarantees you satisfying results after having your labiaplasty in Turkey! Turkey is a preferred destination of many different patients since it is cheaper and it certainly meets the patients’ expectations.

Am I the right candidate for vaginoplasty in Turkey?

In principle, the patient must be in a good general health state for a vaginoplasty in Turkey. The patients who wish to improve the look of their vulva, to regain a normal sexual life, and to solve incontinence problems are potential candidates for a vaginoplasty procedure in Turkey.

What are the benefits of having vaginoplasty in Turkey by Esthétique Istanbul?

Esthétique Istanbul is an institution known for its quality and its value making position in cosmetic surgery.  It boasts a team with 25 years of experience in their field. All the patients are happy and satisfied thanks to the professional approach that Esthétique Istanbul offers. Esthétique Istanbul works with the best specialists who places a premium on patients’ demands in order to meet them excellently. After having a vaginoplasty operation in Turkey, you will find what you seek!

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