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Everything You Need to Know about Liposuction

Liposuction is among our cosmetic surgery services. It is a technique of contouring the figure by sucking up deep fat, something you cannot get rid of on diet. It is practiced in several places of the body, such as the stomach, thighs, calves, arms, sides or even breasts in women.

Liposuction has its origins in France. It is the French surgeon, Charles Dujarier, who innovated this method in 1920. Unfortunately, the technique failed, and after long years of work, the Italian Giorgio Fischer succeeded in 1974 in a liposuction operation and finally allowed to show its potential worldwide. Today, we have chosen to perform liposuction in Turkey because we are convinced of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of this method.

Principle of liposuction:

The intervention consists of several incisions made in the targeted areas, especially in the folds. This helps conceal the scars after the operation is complete. The surgeon will insert foam cannulas into these incisions in order to suck out the stubborn fat, then he will suture these cuts. There are many different techniques, some more modern, others more focused.

Different types of liposuction

We have decided to offer you the top five liposuction methods in Turkey:

  • Tumescent liposuction: fluids are injected in order to detach fat. A cannula will finish the job, guided by the surgeon, by sucking the fat cells.
  • Laser liposuction: the laser makes it possible to liquefy the fatty cells. Reserved for small interventions, this technique has the wind in its sails!
  • Vaser liposuction: this method uses ultrasound to detach the fat present in your body. Indeed, contrary to what one might think, ultrasound can bring a lot of benefits!
  • Laser lipolysis: it works thanks to a probe placed under the skin. The latter will heat the fat cells to make them disappear.
  • Lipoaspiration: This is the latest liposuction technique in Turkey. This modern method allows the fat cells to be sucked in a harmonious and rapid manner, without damaging the body.

To be clear, of course, we will be there to help you choose the best technique that suits your needs, your body, and your goal. We are fully aware of the advantages of each of them, it is our job!

Do you need to prepare for liposuction?

There are a few simple things to follow to ensure the success of the operation. You should not take medicines containing aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs within ten days of the operation. In addition, if you are taking the pill, we ask that you please stop taking it during the thirty days before the procedure. Finally, it is strongly advised not to smoke during this same period. Smoking may slow down healing.

In order to prepare the operation better, we will make an appointment two weeks before the liposuction with an anesthetist who will make sure your body is ready for this procedure. You can discuss the anesthesia you will be given with the anesthetist. It can be general, local, local-general or again, another type of local called vigil. So there is no need to waste a lot of time before the operation. Everything can go very quickly.

How are the days after the operation?

After the liposuction which lasts about one to two hours, a compression garment is applied to the scars to ensure that the detached areas come together properly and reduce bruising. This garment should be kept for 48 hours. You will spend the hours following the operation in the hospital. This period can be extended to one or two days if the amount of fat removed is important. Finally, you have to be careful to protect the scars from the sun.

How long does it take to see the results of liposuction?

The first results appear after two weeks! After this time has passed, the skin loses its edemas due to the operation and gradually reforms, relieved of its excess fat. The figure changes considerably after three months. You finally have a new body, a more welcoming body, a body that you like. So you can see results very quickly after the operation.

Examples of tummy liposuction

Many celebrities have chosen to use tummy liposuction. Among them, we can mention Kim Kardashian, Susan Sarandon, Sharon Osbourne, Jamie Lee Curtis, Beyoncé … Some male stars have also used this technique such as Dwayne Johnson.

As you will notice by searching the internet for pictures, all of these celebrities are fat free today. They are comfortable in their bodies and liposuction is not for nothing. Like them, you can take a big step, by trusting us, for accepting your body. If even the stars do it, it must work, right?

Price of Liposuction

Liposuction in Turkey is at a much more attractive price than in most countries in the world. For example, in France, the liposuction price is, on average, twice as high! In addition, at Esthétique Istanbul, we practice a very advantageous pricing policy, which allows us to offer you operations at a lower cost!

The Benefits of Liposuction in Turkey

In addition to the attractive prices, there is no need to schedule many pre-operation appointments for liposuction in Turkey. Only one point with the anesthesiologist is mandatory. Our company is proud to employ a team of high-quality surgeons, to ensure you to approach your procedure with confidence.

What is The Profile of Candidates for Liposuction?

People seeking tummy liposuction are often overweight or even obese. However, these are not the only ones, some women also want to lose weight faster after pregnancy. For other types of liposuction, candidates may want to lose the fat present in a particular part of the body. Both women and men are concerned.

Be careful, regardless your situation, if you want to perform liposuction in Turkey, you must be in good health: you must not have diabetes or hypertension.

Why Choose Us?

By choosing Esthétique Istanbul, you are supported by a competent team, proud to help people feel more comfortable in their bodies for 25 years. We have chosen to place our trust in the best doctors in the country to make your operation a success no matter what. Our pricing policy is advantageous because we believe that being well in your body should be accessible to everyone.

We hope to have answered your questions about tummy liposuction, the price and the benefits of liposuction in Turkey… We are at your disposal to help you if necessary. Do not hesitate to contact us, we will answer you with great pleasure!

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